since the last of the coligone (waiting for new stuff) and one can see the difference in the faces being pulled tonight when saddle went on!
that plus the new grass in the new field....
he refused to go out - turned out to be just as well, as i learnt that someone had been shooting down by the ford, lord knows what they were shooting, not pheasants yet....but that wouldn't have been good...
new stuff expected soon (vet wants some for his own horses, so is hurrying them up)
will look at omeprazole once the coligone has had a more than 10 day trial... something lengthier, methinks! before i invest massively in the other....
Seems as if his tummy is telling you something. Glad you are trying some therapy for him. I'm hoping it will make a big difference in his overall attitude. He's a good boy about it all, actually. Stopping and just standing there is far better than a certain TB I own did.