Sunday, 30 September 2012


on the in hand work, he was much more willing to move at a reasonable rate, and was listening to me,

whether that was a function of the noseband which i added today, probably not, i reckon it's just practice improving things for both of us.

the wind was blowing a gale but it's  been really warm - very odd, looked out the window and expected to get chilled stepping out of the door, but in fact was warmer out than in!

2 more geldings going in our field tomorrow .....argh ... it had too many horses in it before Charlie went 2 1/2 weeks ago....we really don't understand this at all, TBH, but doubt very much if decision will be changed by YM....

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear the in hand work is improving.

    If you are relying on the grass to feed to horses, then too many is not good, but if they have supplemental hay then the field may well handle them. Well fed horses tend to get along just fine in large groups. It's only when they have to contend for food that the real trouble starts.
