Sunday, 24 June 2012

95 not out

my mother, today.  scary!  sister came up and we took her for lunch, i'm still feeling stuffed!

in the meantime, it rained some more...

i was on horse checking duties (G has a VERY poorly 3 year old) and had to walk up the field for Charlie as he wasn't coming down (monfils did, and then followed me back up wanting more polos).  Charlie was fine, but i had to wait for them to settle before i could look - he'd been up near the electric fence with a couple of others, one of which rashly touched the electric fence - so cue much rushing about!  at least i could see he was sound, LOL!

and got soaked in the process, i did....

i said to G, we may have whinged about losing the summer to our respective injuries, but as it turns out, there hasn't been much summer to lose!


  1. Now worry about a drought, I guess. *sigh* Dry here, but we are expecting thunderstorms for several days during the next week.

  2. How wonderful to reach 95, congrats to your Mum!
