Saturday, 24 March 2012

he actually lunged for me!

only on left rein properly, but he did it. mop my fevered brow! he did eventually stop and then was a pain the other way, but nonetheless pleased.

and HOT, even at 5 pm! this weather is totally wrong....

it's worming weekend, which means they came in at 10 am this morning and have to stay in until Monday morning....they hate it, and we're not over enamoured, but has to be done, twice a year....

they weren't that fussed last year as there was little grass after the very bad winter, but this year, of course, the grass has been growing apace since February.

hopefully, we'll ride tomorrow. partner and i went up to Matfen for lunch, for a friend's birthday, that was nice, then everyone except me went for a short walk.... lovely weather for it, glorious sunshine after a very foggy start (could hardly see where i was going first thing this morning!)

1 comment:

  1. They have to stay in after worming? Interesting. I've never done that with my horses.

    My Boys are on Strongid 2CX daily feed through wormer now, but they do get Ivermectin paste twice a year. They go out right after.

    Is this a tube worming? Just curious.
