after last friday's disaster, bought some new clippers -
liveryman harmony - bought over the internet saturday morning, arrived today, now charged up. can be used with battery pack (which clips to waistband) or plugged into mains, three different blades, two speed settings. hope we don't have the grief with these that we have had with the previous ones! Gaynor says, try the new ones on Monf before we get the vet out to sedate Charlie! Gaynor is improving, and wants to see if she can muck out for herself tomorrow - I'm not sure she should, but her choice, and i can always skip Charlie out after work if necessary!
was impressed by the speed of delivery - and impressed by the price! could have bought them at a shop 7 miles from here, but for £60 more..... no contest!

it's still all dark at the yard after work, with no one sticking about, so i really don't think a lot of anything will get done before the light nights reappear - and since we haven't had the shortest day yet .....
and it's cooooooold.......
It gets harder and harder as winter wears on and the darkness creeps in earlier and earlier. Since I've retired, I have plenty of daylight to do things, but my "internal clock" still wants to feed at the regular hours and it's starting to get dark as I go out to the barn. I feel for you....