Wednesday, 13 April 2011


which i didn't expect to see on a colder day..

went in to the arena and after 5 minutes there was one bee... great big thing, buzzing round us .. turned round, there was another... buzzing round us.....

get me out of here, thought i.

i know bees don't sting unless they are forced into it, but they terrify me nonetheless (nasty experience when i was 11 or so....)

but at least i did something with M, if not for long!

gone nippy again, not nice...wasn't really dressed for it!


  1. Bug season already? And we were just complaining about the unrelenting winter....*sigh*

  2. I am already putting those ear nets on Tetley when I ride. It's going to be a long summer.

  3. I know what you mean Claire, I had a massive one in my caravan at the yard that I disturbed when I opened a curtain, had to open all the windows and encourage it out with a lunge whip. I'm also not convinced I am not allergic.

    Something a friend told me which bizzarely works is if you say very calmly 'please go away bee thank you very much' eg stay calm and be polite, they go away. This doesn't work with wasps apparently, they have no manners.
