Wednesday, 26 January 2011

stair rods again

coming down from the sky.....

it did ease off a shade when i got to the yard, but only enough to get from car to under cover without a soaking....

supplies of bedding arrived today as well, pretty good as only ordered Saturday, and they found the place as well (it's not easy, even with proper address in satnav, so well done them!)

last night people went to pony club rally - apparently Monfy was eyeing the wagon with interest, apparently indicating a desire to go with them.....

he's probably totally flummoxed by the lack of travelling... LOL


  1. Some horses do seem to like to go places. IF he's one, he's going to be fun!

    Three cheers for the bedding people. Maybe they had a good GPS.

  2. Now I know what raining stair rods mean!

    Tetley too feels a gravitational like pull towards a horse box. Let's go he says.
