Tuesday, 18 January 2011

oh dear...... the wrist!

not quite sure what's going on, but the wrist was bad tonight -managed 2 lengths of the pool and decided that was no good, going backwards would have been ok but didn't fancy half an hour of that (too much risk of banging head off wall!). on the down stroke, distinct discomfort. a couple of times today, actual pain - seems to be on the rotation - hope it isn't a screw catching a tendon, but a horrid feeling that is what it'll be...

see how it goes and then back to GP for hospital referral, drat

i've a feeling the cause might well be wrestling with the big bale hay - i tend to use the right wrist (the good one) to hold the net and the left wrist to pull the hay into it... i've a feeling that action is not good...

in the meantime, it was soooooo cold and Monfy had eaten all the hay i'd put in ready for him coming in - i just fed him, put a load more hay in and came away...


  1. Ouch. I saw your comment about your wrist on Facebook. Not good. And backstroke only works if you can count strokes so you know when the wall is coming up. Otherwise, head bump---I totally understand.

    Barn work always gives your muscles a workout. Might be exactly how you hurt your wrist. Hope it's OK. At least Monfy is happy.

  2. Bad luck but hopefully the docs will be able to figure out and fix it easily. Meanwhile, rest and ice!!! Just stick it in a snowbank - I bet there's some around. Ditch the haynet. Mostly haynets are used in horse boxes here, not in stables. Tetley wastes no hay and they feed off the floor in our barn. Maybe you could secure a big plastic bucket in the corner for Monfy and put the hay in there. It's better for them to eat with their heads down anyway.

  3. ML, the haynet is only used to get the hay from bale to stable and into haybar... i don't believe in them as things to feed hay from!
