Monday, 8 November 2010

horse still lame...

I rang RI today; Del still hasn't recovered from his abscess, it was a deep one and taking a while to come right....

So she's having a think about what else we could do...

Another friend is having to sell her horse and the bairn's pony, which is a great shame - another split with partner - nice horse but more money than I've got :-(

in the meantime, we were thinking the other week getting back into the piano (i used to have one until i sold my last house and we found the frame was broken!) would help the fingers/wrist, a thought with which physio agreed, so yesterday went to look at digital pianos.

they are rather nice, and with the harpsichord effect the Mozart would sound like it did when he wrote it...

something under £400 will do it, i reckon... but eBay isn't offering a lot in the way of deals, really, without driving to the other end of the country to collect


  1. Poor Del, hope his foot is all healed soon. Also really sucky for your friend :(

    Perhaps putting a word in with a local musical instrument shop for a second-hand digital piano? Or an ad in the free papers round your way?

  2. Good plan with the piano, I relly fancy one too but doubt I'd find time to play it :( hope Del's better soon for you.

  3. I'd get a upright claire, don't go digital unless you get a really good one. I have a digital and although it's ok it's not as good as a real piano. imo

  4. I have a digital keyboard here and a piano. But the piano really needs some tuning and repair work and I haven't wanted to dole out the money, so the digital keyboard is the answer. I use it mostly to rehearse my vocal numbers--doing a mini-concert this week--and my pieces for church choir.

    You can get keyboard with a nice piano feel for reasonable prices, I should think. Mine was under $200 US.

  5. I too have a digital piano. While I agree with Di about the sound the smaller size and ability to use headphones are features that I value. I bet there are a lot of used ones out there.
