Sunday 17 October 2010

a lovely day!

for a ride....

i almost wish it would rain i wouldn't feel so bad....


  1. Understand your sentiments perfectly, I've missed many a lovely day and wished it was raining! Chin up, you'll be riding soon enough.

  2. Be British and get a stiff upper lip!!! Ha, just had to say that. Not raining stair rods today? Not fair though, I agree.

  3. Oh, phoo! Beautiful day today and I didn't ride either....and I have no excuse, except busy.

    Soon....soon! I know you'll be back in the saddle soon.

  4. Glorious sunshine here too. You need to stock up on lazy lunches and fun shopping on the upcoming crisp autumnal weekends, once you have your new horse it's back to full-time wellies and waterproof glamour(!)
