Thursday, 23 September 2010

sofa surfing

apologies for borrowing a blog title...

but our new sofa arrived today, we haven't had one for some years now (thought no point until the work done in that room!)


leather, recliner, with matching chair, looks good..

am putting enquiries out to see where's good for lunge lessons; not sure if RI has a horse to do that one, she's a freelance RI so i may have to go to riding school, and that's a major thing - which one? who's good? who has the right horse? who's into classical? and so on...

i think most schools only lunge beginners....not sure, when was the last time i went to a riding school for a lesson! probably about 1989/1990...


  1. Sofa sounds great! Lunge is difficult, to find everything in one place as you say. Fidge was fab to lunge someone on as you really need something that stays forwards in a nice rhythm when asked. It would be a great way for you to start back though.

  2. Just thinking about the issue of somewhere good for lunge lessons. If there were somewhere a little further afield, perhaps you could book in for a semi-intensive course? You could do two sessions a day over a few days?

    I recall someone on EE had lessons from a woman who taught a form of pilates on horseback, using her dressage mare on the lunge.

  3. Can't help with the lungeing over there, but the furniture sounds yummy!
