Monday, 22 September 2014

what a good evening!

i think having a later lunch that normal helped - my tummy didn't feel as though my throat had been cut!  it's amazing what a bad effect hunger pangs can have....

anyway, went out on my own with no wibbles from me at all, he was a tad hesitant at one point but both heels in sorted that out, up the side of the drive, through the gate at the top (not as many attempts as last time!) and turn right along the edge of the drive at the top of the park, no bother at all (last time we'd had a plant very soon, not this time).

then went awry at the next gate which i couldn't do to save myself - i couldn't get the angle right to get enough push to open it... so get off and lead, dammit

and he'd been walking on really nicely

never mind, back to yard via rest of planned hack, got back on, into arena, and 5 minutes trot.

all good and i feel a lot better for that...

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Just catching up. Was busy with publishing my book. It will be available on Kindle maybe tomorrow sometime.

    Meanwhile, as to the insurance and the paint at my house. The exterior basement door was rusty and did need paint for protection. The rest? Don't ask me. I just slapped the paint on anyhow.

    So happy to read that Monfy is starting to work for you. Sounds like some great progress. And if Gaynor does get the new horse there, that will speed things along as you will have a partner to inspire Monfy to go.

    Now all you need is a spell of some good riding weather and a stable for Gaynor's horse. Doesn't sound like too long a wish list. *S*
