Sunday, 22 December 2013

the mudlark

i always say, rugs are for keeping them clean - and thank goodness he'd had a rug on today, and we were very pleased he'd kept his head out of it... the rug got hosed off whilst still on him, and his legs as well...

G's day today, but i went down wtih the new shavings, and because we needed to sort out the storage as effective tomorrow big round bale of haylage is arriving, he'll be better on it. our normal suppliers of small square have let us down - one because his wrapper broke and he ain't mended it yet, very surprised as he has done a really good trade in small bales for years.....the other, cos we're the only people who have asked and no point breaking a big one as what he doesnt' sell to us will then go off.


hoping the big round will last and not be wasted#

anyway, G had new saddle pad, shimmable, much better than previous set up (which wouldn't stay put whatever we did...)

it looked good, she looked good, he looked good (once he'd stood still to have the girth tightened once she was on!)

i then cleared the huge amount of leaves that had built up between the door to our storage and the tractor shed - no one else was going to, and if they rot down they'll also rot the wooden wall!  5 barrow loads..... under which was buried a dead crop...

1 comment:

  1. Too warm here, even for light rugs. 70F (21C) "Naked" horses rolled in the mud at least twice. At least they are happy.

    Keeping a good stock of hay seems to be a challenge this year for a lot of people. I can still get the smaller bales, but I have to go pick them up. My regular hay guy lost his entire supply when the roof blew off his barn in a freak rainstorm. *sigh*
