Sunday, 10 November 2013

sound or not sound?

that is the question.

the idea was that i would free school him, but since he would only trot for me if led, turned in to me at the first sign of the lunge whip doing anything other than drag on the floor.... we did walk free schooling instead.

got him to the point where i could keep him moving with the handle of the lunge whip pointing towards his belly and me walking slightly to the inside and behind the withers ... G will see today....but he seemed ok in walk and we were in the arena for about 20 minutes, i think...

also, he's going to be clipped today as well....when i took his rug off - which is only a lightweight - he's been getting too warm under it....surprising, as it hasn't, really, been warm at all (overnight frosts and to us it doesn't feel that warm through the day....)

1 comment:

  1. Kind of makes it hard to see how sound he is when you are by yourself, and he won't trot. But more time off never hurts. Hope you can get some riding in soon.
