Saturday, 14 September 2013

lunging well

for gaynor, of course, not for me.  apparently he thoroughly enjoyed himself! now why won't he do that for me?  I didn't get to watch - i was putting rubber mats and bed back down (G lifted and hosed it all on Wednesday) so the stable looked a lot better!

anyway, he still seems better in himself, no grabbing onto tie up rope again, eating his hay and being a good lad.

we've decided not to ride until Monday - give him 5 full days on the coligone to give it a really good chance to help him before putting girth on ....

lesson on Thursday, not the tuesday originally planned, but if I have an inhand lesson rather than a ridden lesson, i don't much mind if that's right for him at the time....

1 comment:

  1. Re yesterday's post. I have three bridles and no horse :-(
