Thursday, 11 July 2013


i didn't go out - hot again ,fly repellent not that effective against the horse flies (gaynor reckons we have more of them this year as the grass has been allowed to get a lot longer than in past years, certainly in the past just been normal flies...) so in the arena...

and he was VERY good...

again, straight into trot, i know, should do walk warm up but frankly it's not as if his muscles will need much warming in this heat!

pretty good with the walk/trot transitions - i didn't ask for more than a couple of strides of walk at a time as i wanted to ensure we kept forward, which we did all bar one moment when he did stop, but didn't take me a lot to get him going again (one turn on the forehand.....)

did about 20 minutes and then called it good and went and hosed him off!

1 comment:

  1. Flies are not too bad in my barn area, but outside in the fields? Ick. We've had tons of rain too, so that doesn't help. What we all need is a good drying out.

    So glad the riding is going well.
