Monday, 3 June 2013

if it stays dry....

we should be able to see the back of the thrush... do hope so! sick of it, and so is he...

but i'm not sure we won't have to go back to being shod.... will have to have a long talk with trimmer next time - the white line is never tight enough to prevent weeny little bits of grit getting stuck, and we can't avoid that stuff on yard and tracks.....

whatever, need rid of the thrush, and need the new frogs to all come through before a definite decision is made...

on the plus size, he wasn't falling asleep whilst being tacked up, i didn't have to drag him to the mounting block, and we got some nice trot.....

i need to work on my dratted right hip, which has never really come right after the fall in 2010 plus the fall last september plus the pre existing trochanteric bursitis...

aching, aching, and struggle to get off, i really have to work at that....

so - do i keep my stirrups the length they're at, thus assisting in the process but hurting, or do i put them up one .....which might or might not help?

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