Saturday, 29 June 2013

do i have my mojo back?

not before time if so...

had an excellent session this afternoon...

decided on no walk at all - well, not much - into the arena and straight into trot... circles, serpentine! diagnoals, e - b changes of rein, figures of 8... then walk trot walk transitions, but not  much walking and he kept forward... my rise was right, he was metronomic - someone confirmed he looked very symettrical (that someone is an angler, not a rider!)

when i finally stopped, he knew it and stopped, LOL, but i was so pleased...

before that, had intended to try with the bareback pad as G said she'd had good results with that, but frankly, he didnt' want me bareback and i felt very insecure!

in the meantime, frustrations elsewhere.  getting anew (brand new) car... it's there, it's taxed, it just hasn't been trhough the pre delivery service.  particularly pissed as the end of month is tomorrow, so essentially i lose one months' road tax and can't get the car!  gggrrrhhhh  and the salesman doesn't ring me back when he says he's going to, so not happy with him particularly.  never mind, if i get it on monday that'll do, but it would have been good to be able to take it for a drive tomorrow, since i won't have time trhough the week!

and other bad news - we have no electricity in the house!  AAARRRGGGHHH.  happily, cooking is on gas, so hot water from kettle, neighbour away for weekend and we have keys, they're happy for us to use whatever facilities we need (shower!  charging laptop!).  electrician did come out last night, i was very impressed, and thought he'd sorted it, but he'd no sooner left the street at well gone 10 when it died again... i am not interrupting his weekend as he andhis family have a big event on so will text him tomorrow night and hope he can come monday. we know what's wrong ... he thought the temp fix would hold us, but it didn't....

1 comment:

  1. Great news about the riding! You have a good horse and clearly you two are establishing a partnership. Well done.

    Not so good news about the car or the electricity. Thank heavens for the gas cooking and some really nice neighbors. Hope you get it sorted out sooner than later.
