Monday, 20 May 2013

i knew it would rain again

a warm bath it was leaving the office, so didn't really believe the forecast (which had said, dry!)

but i rode, if not for long - he was too full of grass and there was too much going on, what with the phone ringing and trailers moving about

the sad news - one mare on the yard got taken off to horsepital with apparently colic or something, potentially needing an operation

then another made like he was going to get colic, happily didn't and his vet arrived anyway for pre arranged appointment, so he got a shot of whatever it is on a just in case basis anyway...

1 comment:

  1. Hope the colicked horse recovers Ok. I've heard about far too many colic cases this year. Don't know what's up.

    At least you managed a short ride. Better than none at all.
