Saturday, 9 February 2013

bit of a grin on my face

as for the first time for a long time i was able to mount wihtout having several tours of the mounting block first.

i was too late in the day to even think of going anywhere but the arena but we did 20 minutes in there including some trot.

he was pretty responsive, despite my squeaking boots (every time i clean them i ended up squeaking with every leg aid, and I find it very disconcerting even if he's not bothered).

he also had a new bit in, a neue shule, and seemed to like it, certainly went well in it, better, IMHO, than in the myler....


  1. What does the neue shule look like? Congrats on riding! You must do it more often.

  2. Way to go!! Glad you had some good weather to ride and and a good horse to ride! Makes for a great day.
