Saturday, 19 January 2013

a paddy....

it was snowing really hard this morning, and i thought M would prefer being in with some hay (given we're currently in Gaynor's stable which has a gated yard in front) than out in the field with nothing to do OR, more importantly, to eat..

so i left him happily eating at 08.15, and at 09.15 a fellow owner texted to say he was having a paddy, had slipped (but not, happily, hurt himself) and did I want him turned out?

so out he was turned.

I reckon the paddy was caused by him seeing others being turned out

of course, when i got him in, he was well ready and hungry!  silly boy..

the one good thing about snow is the horse comes in with very clean feet and legs!  even the white foot is properly white at the moment!

1 comment:

  1. Except for the cleanliness aspect, I do not envy you your snow.

    Horses and common sense--like staying in in bad weather--just don't always seem to go together. At least Monfy got to get rid of some of his excess energy.
