Sunday, 16 December 2012


which, believe it or not, was the first time since October 2011 that i had in fact got out of walk..... mostly for many good health reasons last year, but it does get to the point when you start to wonder...

anyway, Gaynor came and watched (and also to help get the mud off the mud monster!) and we set up RI's exercise involving pole pods set up such that they form a "gate" to direct the horse through...lay them out so you end up doing a circle, if you direct horse correctly....

anyway, i came away pleased, we  both worked, but one oddity - G thought I sit better in trot than in walk? ....mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

1 comment:

  1. Well, if you do sit better, then that just means you will have to trot more!! *G* Well done.
