Thursday, 22 November 2012

mud pack..

every night we take the mud pack off; every morning he puts it back on!

so monday was rained off.

Tuesday, G says he did some excellent work in the arena - she was lucky to be able to ride as it had rained most of hte morning!  she was working on the stuff frm the lesson on Sunday..

yesterday, i did 5 minutes in hand with some flexions - flexions being good for releasing any twinges in the poll area

today, the wind turned gale and there was horizontal rain....and, unsurprisingly, the estate have locked the big double gate to the field that is nearer, and we have to go along to the small one  - result, very confused horses.  M was confused but willing to follow me, and when i went back for the last one out, he didn't want to move away from his normal gate at all, happily someone came to help!

the large gate is locked due to the mud bath and pond there, but it's not much better further along....and darker, due to being further away from any light sources!

1 comment:

  1. Winter approach seems to be keeping you on the soggy side. But I am sure those mudpacks are keeping you beautiful!......Oh, you mean Monfils....*big wide grin* At least he's having a good time.
