Wednesday, 12 September 2012

RIP charlie

Gaynor's Charlie.

dropped in the field about 4.30 this afternoon whilst running about with his friends....

this was taken a couple of summers ago when he and Molly were on their own near Gaynor's house...

he was 12; she'd had him from 2.  a gent in every way ....



  1. This is heartbreaking news! I am so very sorry. Please extend my deepest sympathies to Gaynor. Losing a good friend and companion is very painful, and in this case, so unexpected.

    At least Charlie was enjoying his last moments. Bless his heart and may he rest in peace.

  2. Oh I'm so sorry for Gaynor (and you because I know you were so fond of him too). Hugs, T xx

  3. What sad news. He has been a lucky boy to have had such a good human too look after him all this time. My thoughts go out to Gaynor xx.

  4. Oh dear that is so sad. :-( x
