Monday, 30 July 2012


we made it all the way round the 20 acre...
the track was much more visible, think a few more had been round over the weekend and flattened the track down..

flies were a plague, and he hates them - i really should put fly mask on on top of the bridle! 

and TBH i think he's starting an eye thing - I've had to put fly mask on in the field for the first time this summer (and he promptly lost the one he had on last night ... lord knows where i'll find that!)


  1. The flies are just horrible here right now. If you put up one of those fly strips it is full in less than 24 hours. Unless Dave is filming I always ride with a fly mask over his bridle and a "Fly Armor" strip attached to his bridal. I am looking forward to October.

  2. If I ride, my horses where a full set of "fly armor" from Cashel and I add a fly mask. Tucker simply cannot concentrate when the flies attack him. The deer flies from the woods are the worst and then, of course, there are the big "B52's" that seem to start to come out this time of year.

    I have one fly mask that's been missing for over a year now. Maybe Chance got it and flung it out into the cornfield somewhere, because it certainly isn't in either the paddock or pasture. *lol*
