Thursday, 28 June 2012

Thunder and lighting

Newcastle is flooded i am told. It was like night ar 6 pm. Now sunny but like a sauna outside.  Set off no rain at home to go to yard; less than a mile later could barely see and rivers of water on road. Stopped at gainers while it passed before going to yard where i had to dig drain out - all the mud of years washed in to it! Which at least means that the car parking area is not going to be muddy for a while! Horses were fine when i got there if somewhat damp! Monies cut another leg yesterday bit it was only surface. Charlie has one too so i went with wound powder in pocket along with the apple for Charlie and polos for both of them


  1. Oh dear. Too much rain, that's for sure. Stay safe on those roads.

  2. Clearly all the rain we are missing in Colorado has been diverted to Newcastle. Please send some of it back!
