Saturday, 9 June 2012

a bad patient

last year when he was kicked he was a good patient, probably because he'd only just gone into the herd and didn't know the other horses, or the field

this year, he's a bad patient.  stressed because he's in, didn't eat his breakfast (which had his antibiotics in), not settling when walking out, crossing fingers he doesn't develop a stress induced colic....

but the leg was not nearly as swollen this morning, or this evening, so that's good

wish he'd lunge, though - vet says, lunge him - i said, he won't ... even as wound up as he was today, you'd think he'd want to move, but no......


  1. Can you make a little bran mash in the morning for the meds and so he'll eat? Don't overdo, but the extra water and the fiber would be good for him and it might spark his appetite.

    Otherwise, you need to get the meds in him. I use a plastic dose syringe and applesauce when my Boys need meds.

    Darn, but this is where that lungeing issue really does become a problem. Anyone around to help you get him to work on the line?

  2. Tetley wasn't crazy about his meds but a good dollop of molasses helped. I had to hold the bucket while he ate, otherwise he would leave it. However it he won't eat because he's unhappy about being separated from his herd that's a different matter. That's a tough one and it's hard to blame them. Fingers crossed he can go out soon.
