Saturday 19 May 2012


Gaynor insists she saw dapples on monfils yesterday - good if so but i couldn't see them today.

In the meantime the writ feels fine after the plate removal, dressing is off but I'm being good and won't do anything exciting with it for the specified period of six weeks. Monfils enjoying is extended holiday, i guess, with loads of grass to eat and friends to play with.

Gaynor, on the other hand, has had her wrist put back in plaster! Not happy


  1. Well, at least you and Gaynor have two hands between you. I am sending good vibes for both of you to heal quickly.

    Love dapples. Probably the light has to hit Monfils just right so you can see them. He is one happy boy.

  2. I love dapples too. I think it's wise to be good with your wrist. You certainly don't want to go through that again. it's a good time of year for a horse to have a break as they are occupied with grazing and just being outside with room to move.
