than bought. i was very impressed, actually - requested new chair yesterday, gave details via hyperlink to the precise chair, it was bought by lunchtime and will be delivered wednesday, apparently. that is impressive. there are, i know, other aspects to look at, but that's the first step.
in the meantime, i drove myself to work today, first time i've driven since going to hospital saturday night/sunday morning. was fine to work; was NOT so fine driving to yard afterwards, too many bends. Monfils was, i think, pleased to see me.
then to Gaynor's, she's been doing a sterling job. showed her my current situation (can't lift right arm without physically pushing it up!) so she's going to carry on doing the sterling job
and if we can (rather, if SHE can) we'll improve Monfil's clip Saturday. he currently has belly and half neck/face. frankly, he needs a trace.
RI has been in touch, she saw my post on EE forum - lesson due Sunday - we've agreed she'll work the horse and i'll just stand and watch ...
Some good news for a change of pace. Hope the chair helps.
ReplyDeleteIt's so great to have good help to take care of Monfy. Gaynor is a generous person to step in.
Now all you need to do is heal up.