Sunday, 6 November 2011


to the rattly bottle, i think that what's happened...

high energy, yes, but it didn't work....

he knows, you know.....

I did get some walk at first, even managed to get him going again after he was distracted by the mares coming over to see what was happening, but eventually, nothing was working again...


and my shoulders? the painkillers are helping a lot, and I can move them pretty well now, just need to be a shade careful....and at least can start self physio'ing with the exercises the physio gave me... (the relevant movement is, in essence, the same as groom horse/tack up horse, so don't need to build extra time into the day to do this, LOL)


  1. Have a small dispute with my chiropractor who insists that "working" is not the same as "working out." So he doesn't consider barn chores, etc. as a suitable replacement for physical therapy.

    I have to disagree. I think barn chores and horse care are even better!

  2. I missed the rattly bottle? Glad the shoulders are easing!
