Tuesday, 11 October 2011

the plot thickens...

in terms of my wrist.

yesterday's post was at 07.52 am.

i went to the fracture clinic for 10.55 a.m, where the man said - but that's an OLD fracture! he's ordered an MRI scan.

Now, i'd previously broken my right wrist about 20 years ago.

so when i eventually woke up yesterday evening and thought some more, i rather think what probably happened is that whatever i was doing on sunday afternoon while riding pulled a ligament or something, which in turn pulled into a new place the fragment of bone that had been loose from the 20 year old injury, pulling it away from where it had been resting and putting it into a new, very painful, place

that would account for the pain being equivalent to a break, and the x-ray looking like a break...

so the fingers now move, the swelling is subsiding, the pain is substantially reduced ....

I'm going to give it a week before trying riding again, but was able to muck out this evening with no great issue...

and in the meantime, we put my saddle on Charlie for Gaynor to try. a much improved picture of both horse and rider, they both worked well.


  1. I am glad to hear that the pain has lessened. But if the ligament pulled the bone away from where it was, isn't that another "break"? Amazing that you could muck out! I think you should change your wrist's priorities and be able to ride but not muck out :-)

  2. Glad you are feeling better. Now, to echo all the advice to me: Don't overdo!!
