Monday, 4 April 2011

massage and half a mane....

having a massage is NOT cue for a roll, which had worried me if you recall.

he had a massage saturday, and was good

did another one tonight, and whilst that was happening made a start on his mane - would have got it finished but the solocomb needs a new blade! so he looks a bit odd..

i'm going to have to take the new lunge cavesson back. i wasn't wholly happy with it saturday, the straps were oddly positioned, and when i put it on tonight i was even less happy with it

essentially, the straps that go round the jaws are wrongly placed and will, in fact, throttle him given half a chance. the angle at which they have been stitched into place is all wrong.

so back it will have to go. luckily i still have the receipt (retrieved from the recycling bin, complete with the plastic carrier bag in which the cavesson came!)

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