Sunday, 13 February 2011

gym balls?

is one of the suggestions for helping sort the hip out.

This morning was about dismounting, and getting me sorted out so i can!

amazingly, i did eventually manage to dismount properly - that old exercise of putting ones knees up to the front of the saddle eventually unlocked the hip enough that i could get off again.

I learnt a lot about what is going on with the hip and MUST ring GP, get xray done just to check for any bony damage, and then get physio organised.

in the meantime, a gym ball was suggested - i know other people have used those for openeing the hips up so that's something to investigate.

And where did we do this? in the stable! which is very high, i wasn't in any danger, although it ws a shade disconcerting. pony stood like a rock eating his hay, couldn't have cared less (although, no doubt, he was somewhat puzzled LOL)

we're thinking I'll go out riding on that pony with the RI - riding will of course open my hips, and then i get more practice getting off.

She thinks i should learn to get on/off from other side, but i don't quite have the confidence for that - not sure the body's working properly to try it! odd, you'd think it woudl be easy to think about that, but i couldn't wrap my head round it and think i need more flexibility both sides to do it.

It's odd in one way i can get on no bother, but as i said, getting on you have the added impulsion of pushing off with the other leg and hand to help you on your way, and that's sufficient impulsion to get the right leg up and over...

i guess the swimming has helped a bit as well, if only in a small way.

And Monfy? turned him out. it was raining anyway. but an odd lot, those geldlings this morning. They can walk down to the lower field which has grass and much less mud, but did they? no, stood about loitering near the gate, daft things.


  1. Good that you're thinking around the hip problem but yes doctor first to see what's actually going on. I love my gym ball, even just lying on the floor with my legs up on it I find it helps.

  2. They use the balls a lot at my PT center. I would think there would be exercises that would help.

    Glad there is some sign of progress.

  3. trudi, you could give me some tips on exercises - and what ball to think about getting? i google them a few years ago when people started talking about them on EE, but was never clear about the ins and outs..

  4. I use my gym ball everyday and have done since my accident, it has really helped me return to full fitness I have a load of exercises my physio printed off for me that may help..... I now sit on mine with a glass of wine watching tv ( obviously the glass of wine counts as a hand weight!!!)

  5. i'll call round then Tash and see it - didn't know that
