Saturday 11 December 2010

i'm going to start looking again

it's about time, i think, albeit that i have only been on a horse once ... no doubt I'll be able to find some more riding opportunities over the christmas break, assuming the weather is ok...

i'm missing going out early on cold horrid mornings, and being out late on cold nights ... and the chores involved in keeping a horse.....and going into a saddlers with a reason to spend money .....

but don't want to rush into getting the wrong horse...

and still think lessons are a plan if they can be organised...

mind you, the car needs mending first (AGAIN! not happy!) so trundling round websites and see what if anything friends have heard of that might suit...


  1. What is with that car?? A new vehicle should not be having problems. So sorry. Hope everything is under warranty.

    I'm sure the right horse is out there to keep your toes frozen on cold mornings and cold nights. You'll find him/her.

  2. Have you found out any more about the native cross?

  3. jean - tell me about it! not fit for purpose, IMHO!

    Stephanie - no, the weather's been too dire to even think about it, of course, but as soon as that settles and the damn car is mended i'll go see Claire and see about going to see him...(too many Claire's ..)
