Wednesday, 22 December 2010

i do feel sorry for Monfy..

not that he looks too bothered, so long as he can eat, drink, lie down (he seems to have done so) etc, but no way he could even be turned in the arena - the yard was too slippy to attempt. had he been barefoot i might have tried, but he still has his shoes on

happily, the water tap hadn't quite frozen when i got there, so i was able to water him, as he had not a drop left! EEK - presumably had been checked at some point during the day, i know YO does that, but then drunk it again.

i need to sort out the much larger tub, but it is currently full of very frozen water (it had been acting as a trap under the eaves in the summer and never got tipped out..) so will have to wait for the thaw

debating whether to take the haybar down and just feed off the deck - his first job is, take it out of the hay bar (well, the stuff on top, anyway)

very pleased he's clearly well used to people mucking out round him, not a bother so far as that is concerned!

and where was the thaw that was forecast for this afternoon? pah. it's been snowing off and on all day... they've changed their minds on that, as currently it's saying maximum zero tomorrow.

now WHY was it i thought this was a good time of year to buy a horse? LOL.

oh, and he's more than 7 1/2 - will be 8 end of February.

didn't go to post office today to send form/passport/cheque to weatherby's, MUST do it before close of business friday!

and you will all have to wait for daylight/better weather for photos...


  1. The water is a worry. He needs lots this time of year. I'm lucky enough to have an electric heater for my water tub, so as long as we have power, the Boys have water.

    Once again wishing you some better weather. Surely there will be a nice thaw soon.

  2. Well, he would be stuck inside pretty much no matter where in England he was or who owned him. All the outside horses here have heat for their water. With the way the last two winters have been in England, it might be worth it to buy one.

    I bet you are anxious to watch him move around and to have some quality interactions.
