Saturday, 4 September 2010


in that the bruises are slowly subsiding, and the wrist reduced enough that i could put the smaller support on it

think the issue in recovery will be the hip as much as anything - and think that metal in wrist will not be good in the cold!


  1. Never thought much about the metal, but I would think your bone will grow into it and it will be pretty well insulated. Plus, there is a a pretty good blood supply to that area.

    Only time will tell, but am a positive thinker.

    Sorry about that hip. I've bruised myself in that area and it does seem to take some time to ease up completely. More gentle hugs sent your way. *hugs*

  2. Hmm, I have never heard of metal plates causing cold feelings. You will have to let us know. Plenty of chance to test that out in England.
