Wednesday, 3 November 2010


from orthopaedic follow up

and from physio, the latter with some more exercises and recommendations

both, of course, said if i need to go back then make appropriate arrangements, ortho via gp, physio just ring up


need more strengthening work, of course, hence the more exercises, but all good stuff ...

and consultant said "yes we'll let you ride again" - well, as if he has any say, LOL

now, must find out how Del horse is doing with that abcess ...


  1. Ha! I guess that they have not had much experience with riders! All good news.

  2. A moment to rejoice!! Suddenly you are free and on your own again. Your hand/wrist are going to get better than you think.

    Now, as my mother used to always say when I left the house, "Be careful with those darn horses." *LOL* (She said it nearly every single day....)

    Hope your horse search goes well this time.

  3. Yay indeed, brilliant! Can't wait for you to start riding, you must be itching to get back in the saddle, and find a new pony :D

    Jean, I love your mother's comment *lol*
